Virtual Visits

Accessing expert spine care is now possible from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

No matter what town, or how far you are, telemedicine brings the care to you. When possible, this can help avoid the discomfort of traveling in pain. Relevant imaging should be sent to the office to review virtually during the visit.


If there is imaging you wish to review, please make sure that you send via mail/drop off the CD yourself.

There is no better way for an image disc to get lost than relying on the imaging center to send it.

Please consider…

A laptop or desktop is preferred due to audio/video quality as well as screen size for sharing images

Have enough room to get up and move around on camera for the visit. There will be some maneuvers (squatting, showing were the areas of pain are, scars, etc…) which will require adequate space.

Tennis ball or a stress ball to squeeze for hand grip testing.

Dress appropriately (aka please wear bottoms!). Most is done sitting, but at times standing will be necessary.

Keep your phone around. Sometimes there can be technical difficulties and we are only a phone call away!


Telemedicine is a great option, but it is not perfect. With a good history, online physical exam, and imaging (previously done X-ray or MRI) to reference, it can provide excellent information and help guide us to the next step (therapy, injection, possible surgery). It does not substitute a live physical exam, which is sometimes necessary for certain problems. It provides a great option for discussion and clarification, but certain circumstances require office visits (removing stitches for example).